
How to detect and remove outliers?

  • Remove outliers by interquartile range (IQR)
  def remove_outliers_by_iqr(df,colname,iqr_threshold):

    df_drop_na = df[df[colname].notnull()]
    threshold = float(iqr_threshold)

    Q3 = df_drop_na[colname].quantile(0.75)
    Q1 = df_drop_na[colname].quantile(0.25)
    IQR = Q3 - Q1

    df_drop_na_qt = df_drop_na[~((df_drop_na[colname] < (Q1 - threshold * IQR)) |(df_drop_na[colname] > (Q3 + threshold * IQR)))]

    number_nas = len(df.index) - df_drop_na[colname].count()
    number_outliers = df_drop_na[colname].count() -df_drop_na_qt[colname].count()

    print('Dataframe shape before removing outliers: ', df.shape)
    print(number_nas, 'rows where column' ,colname,'are NULL are removed')
    print('Dataframe shape after removing NAs in the column', colname,':', df_drop_na.shape)
    print(number_outliers, 'outliers are removed')
    print('Dataframe shape after removing NAs and ourliers in the column', colname, 'by',iqr_threshold,'* IQR:', df_drop_na_qt.shape)
    return df_drop_na_qt

  df2= remove_outliers_by_iqr(df,'area',1.5)    
  • Remove outliers by Z score
  def remove_outliers_by_z(df,colname,z_score_threshold):
    df_drop_na = df[df[colname].notnull()]

    from scipy import stats    
    import numpy as np

    z = np.abs(stats.zscore(df_drop_na[colname]))
    df_drop_na_zoutlier =df_drop_na[(z < float(z_score_threshold))]

    number_nas = len(df.index) - df_drop_na[colname].count()
    number_outliers = df_drop_na[colname].count() -df_drop_na_zoutlier[colname].count()

    print('Dataframe shape before removing outliers: ', df.shape)
    print(number_nas, 'rows where column' ,colname,'are NULL are removed')
    print('Dataframe shape after removing NAs in the column', colname, ':', df_drop_na.shape)
    print(number_outliers, 'outliers are removed')
    print('Dataframe shape after removing NAs and ourliers in the column', colname, 'by Z score threshold',z_score_threshold,':', df_drop_na_zoutlier.shape)
    return df_drop_na_zoutlier

  df3= remove_outliers_by_z(df,'area',3)

What kind of outliers should be removed?

Decomposition Based Detection

Decomposition Based Detection
Image from sckit-lego

Density Based Detection

Gaussian Mixture

What kind of outliers should not be removed?

Read more