Proximal Policy Optimization
Problems of REINFORCE
There are three issues:
The update process is very inefficient! We run the policy once, update once, and then throw away the trajectory.
The gradient estimate $\hat{g}$ is very noisy. By chance the collected trajectory may not be representative of the policy.
There is no clear credit assignment! A trajectory may contain many good/bad actions and whether these actions are reinforced depends only on the final total output.
Noise Reduction
- Problem
- Too many trajectories
- There could easily be well over millions of trajectories for simple problems and infinite for continuous problems.
- So a lot of times, the result of a sampled trajectory comes down to chance, and doesn’t contain that much information about our policy.
- The hope is that after training for a long time, the tiny signal accumulates.
- Too many trajectories
- Solution
- Simply sample more trajectories 😬
- using distributed computing
- estimate the policy gradient by averaging across all the different trajectories
- we can collect all the total rewards and get a sense of how they are distributed
- Simply sample more trajectories 😬
Rewards Normalization
In many cases, the distribution of rewards shifts as learning happens. Reward = 1 might be really good in the beginning, but really bad after 1000 training episode.
Learning can be improved if we normalize the rewards, where $\mu$ is the mean, and $\sigma$ the standard deviation.
$R_i \leftarrow \frac{R_i -\mu}{\sigma} \qquad$
- $ \mu = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i^N R_i \qquad$
- $\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_i (R_i - \mu)^2}R$
when all the $R_i$ are the same, $\sigma =0$, we can set all the normalized rewards to 0 to avoid numerical problems
This batch-normalization technique is also used in many other problems in AI (e.g. image classification), where normalizing the input can improve learning.
Intuitively, normalizing the rewards roughly corresponds to picking half the actions to encourage/discourage, while also making sure the steps for gradient ascents are not too large/small. 🎲
Credit Assignment
At time-step $t$
Even before an action is decided, the agent has already received all the rewards up until step $t-1$. So we can think of that part of the total reward as the reward from the past. The rest is denoted as the future reward.
- $(\overbrace{…+r_{t-1}}^{\require{cancel}\bcancel{R^{\rm past}_t}} + \overbrace{r_{t}+…}^{R^{\rm future}_t})$
Because we have a Markov process, the action at time-step $t$ can only affect the future reward, so the past reward shouldn’t be contributing to the policy gradient.
- So to properly assign credit to the action $a_t$, we should ignore the past reward.
- So a better policy gradient would simply have the future reward as the coefficient
- $g=\sum_t \color{blue}{R_t^{\rm future}} \color{black}{\nabla_{\theta}\log \pi_\theta(a_t|s_t)}$
Mathematically, ignoring past rewards might change the gradient for each specific trajectory, but it doesn’t change the averaged gradient.
- So even though the gradient is different during training, on average we are still maximizing the average reward.
- In fact, the resultant gradient is less noisy, so training using future reward should speed things up! 🚀
Importance Sampling
The trajectories we generated using the policy $\pi_\theta$. It had a probability $P(\tau;\theta)$, to be sampled.
Now Just by chance, the same trajectory can be sampled under the new policy, with a different probability $\color{blue} {P(\tau;\theta')}$.
Imagine we want to compute the average of some quantity, say $f(\tau)$. We could simply generate trajectories from the new policy, compute $f(\tau)$ and average them.
Mathematically, this is equivalent to adding up all the $f(\tau)$, weighted by a probability of sampling each trajectory under the new policy.
- $\sum_\tau \color{blue} {P(\tau;\theta')} f(\tau)$
we could modify this equation, by multiplying and dividing by the same number, $P(\tau;\theta)$ and rearrange the terms
- $\sum_\tau \overbrace{P(\tau;\theta)}^{ \begin{matrix} \scriptsize \textrm{sampling under}\ \scriptsize \textrm{old policy } \pi_\theta \end{matrix} } \overbrace{\frac{ \color{blue} {P(\tau;\theta')}}{P(\tau;\theta)}}^{ \begin{matrix} \scriptsize \textrm{re-weighting}\ \scriptsize \textrm{factor} \end{matrix} } f(\tau)$
- we can reinterpret the first part as the coefficient for sampling under the old policy, with an extra re-weighting factor, in addition to just averaging.
we can use old trajectories for computing averages for new policy, as long as we add this extra re-weighting factor, that takes into account how under or over–represented each trajectory is under the new policy compared to the old one.
- The same tricks are used frequently across statistics, where the re-weighting factor is included to unbias surveys and voting predictions.
The re-weighting factor
$\frac{\color{blue} {P(\tau;\theta')}}{P(\tau;\theta)} =\frac {\pi_{\theta'}(a_1|s_1), \pi_{\theta'}(a_2|s_2), \pi_{\theta'}(a_3|s_3),…} {\pi_\theta(a_1|s_1) , \pi_\theta(a_2|s_2), \pi_\theta(a_2|s_2), …}$
Because each trajectory contains many steps, the probability contains a chain of products of each policy at different time-step.
A Problem: when some of policy gets close to zero, the re-weighting factor can become close to zero, or worse, close to 1 over 0 which diverges to infinity.
- When this happens, the re-weighting trick becomes unreliable.
A Solution: In practice, we want to make sure the re-weighting factor is not too far from 1 when we utilize importance sampling
Proximal Policy Optimization (PRO)
- closely related to Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO)
- developed by OpenAI
- First, collect some trajectories based on some policy $\pi_\theta$ , and initialize theta prime $\theta'=\theta$
- Next, compute the gradient of the clipped surrogate function using the trajectories
- Update $\theta$ using gradient ascent
- $\theta'\leftarrow\theta' +\alpha \nabla_{\theta'}L_{\rm sur}^{\rm clip}(\theta', \theta)$
- Then we repeat step 2-3 without generating new trajectories. Typically, step 2-3 are only repeated a few times
- Set $\theta=\theta'$ go back to step 1, repeat.
Policy Gradient Quiz
Suppose we are training an agent to play a computer game.
- There are only two possible action: 0 = Do nothing, 1 = Move
- There are three time-steps in each game, and our policy is completely determined by one parameter $\theta$, such that the probability of “moving” is $\theta$, and the probability of doing nothing is $1-\theta$
- Initially $\theta=0.5$. Three games are played, the results are:
Game 1: actions: (1,0,1) rewards: (1,0,1)
Game 2: actions: (1,0,0) rewards: (0,0,1)
Game 3: actions: (0,1,0) rewards: (1,0,1)
- Question 1: What are the future rewards for the first game?
(1+0+1, 1+0, 1) = (2, 1, 1)
- Question 2: What is the policy gradient computed from the second game, using future rewards?