Math Formulas
how to display beautiful math in a webpage
1. How to write and display mathematical formulas code editors?
- Open Atom => Preference => Install
- Install markdown-preview-plus
- Install mathjax-wrapper
- Atom Preview: Toggle LaTex Rendering
VScode: nothing
2. How to write and display a column vector on my
2.1) Add the following code to
- If you use Jekyll => Open
- If you use Hugo => Open
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
processEscapes: true
2.2) Add the following line in the html layouts where I want to add formulas
- If you use Jekyll => Open _layouts/post.html or _layouts/page.html => Add
{% include mathjax.html %}
- If you use Hugo => Open
=> Add the below line before{{end}}
{{ partial "mathjax_support.html" . }}
2.3) Test: Write a column vector in the new page(e.g.
github io | Atom/VSCode | I choose | |
$\begin{bmatrix}1 \\2 \end{bmatrix}$ | good | bad | yes |
$\begin{bmatrix}1 \2 \end{bmatrix}$ | bad | good | no |
$\begin{bmatrix}1 \2 \end{bmatrix}$ | bad | bad | no |
3. How to write mathematic formulas in Markdown/Latex?
Category | Symbol | $input$ |
Greek Letters | ||
$\alpha, A$ | \alpha, A | |
$\beta, B$ | \beta, B | |
$\gamma$, $\Gamma$ | \gamma, \Gamma | |
$\lambda$, $\Lambda$ | \lambda,\Lambda | |
$\omega, \Omega$ | \omega, \Omega | |
$\epsilon$, $\varepsilon$ | \epsilon, varepsilon | |
$\pi$, $\Pi$ | \pi, \Pi | |
$\phi$, $\Phi$, $\varphi$ | \phi, \Phi, \varphi | |
$\sigma$, $\Sigma$ | \sigma, \Sigma | |
$\theta$, $\vartheta$, $\Theta$ | \theta, \vartheta \Theta | |
$\mu$, $M$ | \mu, M | |
$\nu$, $N$ | \nu N | |
$\delta$, $\Delta$ | \delta, \Delta | |
$\nabla$, $\triangledown$, $\triangle$, | \nabla, \triangledown, \triangle | |
Format | ||
1) blackboard bold | $\Bbb {AI}$ | \Bbb {AI} |
2) boldface | $\mathbf {AI}$ | \mathbf {AI} |
3) calligraphic | $\mathcal {AI}$ | \mathcal {AI} |
4) insert a thin space | $x,y$, $xy$ | x,y, xy |
5) devider (e.g. set comprehension) | $x\mid x^2$ | x\mid x^2 |
6) symbol | $\star \ast \oplus \circ \bullet$ | \star \ast \oplus \circ \bullet |
Operators | ||
$\cos$ | \cos | |
$\sin$ | \sin | |
$\lim_{x\to c}$ | \lim_{x\to c} | |
$\exp$ | \exp | |
$\to$ | \to | |
$\infty$ | \infty | |
$\ne$ | \ne | |
$\ge \circ \le$ | \ge \le | |
$\sim$ | \sim | |
$\approx$ | \approx | |
$\equiv$ | \equiv | |
$\bmod$ | \bmod | |
$\times$ , $\pm$ | \times, \pm | |
Power and Indices | ||
$k_{n+1}$ | k_{n+1} | |
$n^2$ | n^2 | |
$n^{-2}$ | n^{-2} | |
$k_n^2$ | k_n^2 | |
Fractions and Binomials | ||
$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ | \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} | |
$\binom{n}{k}$ | \binom{n}{k} | |
$\frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y}$ | \frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y} | |
$^3/_7$ | ^3/_7 | |
Roots | ||
$\sqrt{k}$ | \sqrt{k} | |
$\sqrt[n]{k}$ | \sqrt[n]{k} | |
Sums and Integrals | ||
$\sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i$ | \sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i | |
$\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x},\mathrm{d}x$ | \int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x},\mathrm{d}x | |
$\sum$ | \sum | |
$\prod$ | \prod | |
$\coprod$ | \coprod | |
$\in$ | \in | |
$\notin$ | \notin | |
$\varnothing$ | \varnothing | |
$\bigoplus$ | \bigoplus | |
$\bigotimes$ | \bigotimes | |
$\bigodot$ | \bigodot | |
$\bigcup$ | \bigcup | |
$\bigcap$ | \bigcap | |
$\biguplus$ | \biguplus | |
$\bigsqcup$ | \bigsqcup | |
$\bigvee$ | \bigvee | |
$\bigwedge$ | \bigwedge | |
$\int$ | \int | |
$\oint$ | \oint | |
$\iint$ | \iint | |
$\iiint$ | \iiint | |
$\idotsint$ | \idotsint | |
$\sum_{\substack{0<i<m, 0<j<n}} P(i, j)$ | \sum_{\substack{0<i<m, 0<j<n}} P(i, j) | |
$\int\limits_a^b$ | \int\limits_a^b | |
$a’$ $a^{\prime}$ | a’ a^{\prime} | |
$a’’$ | a’’ | |
$\hat{a}$ | \hat{a} | |
$\bar{a}$ | \bar{a} | |
$\grave{a}$ | \grave{a} | |
$\acute{a}$ | \acute{a} | |
$\dot{a}$ | \dot{a} | |
$\ddot{a}$ | \ddot{a} | |
$\not{a}$ | \not{a} | |
$\mathring{a}$ | \mathring{a} | |
${A}\rightarrow{B} $ | {A}\rightarrow{B} | |
${A}\leftarrow{B}$ | {A}\leftarrow{B} | |
$\overrightarrow{AB}$ | \overrightarrow{AB} | |
$\overleftarrow{AB}$ | \overleftarrow{AB} | |
$a’’’$ | a’’’ | |
$\overline{aaa}$ | \overline{aaa} | |
$\check{a}$ | \check{a} | |
$\vec{a}$ | \vec{a} | |
$\underline{a}$ | \underline{a} | |
$\color{red}x\color{blue}y\color{orange}z$ | \color{red}x\color{blue}y\color{orange}z | |
$\pm$ | \pm | |
$\mp$ | \mp | |
$\int y \mathrm{d}x$ | \int y \mathrm{d}x | |
$,$ | , | |
$:$ | : | |
$;$ | ; | |
$!$ | ! | |
$\int y, \mathrm{d}x$ | \int y, \mathrm{d}x | |
$\dots$ | \dots | |
$\ldots$ | \ldots | |
$\cdot$ | \cdot | |
$\cdots$ | \cdots | |
$\vdots$ | \vdots | |
$\ddots$ | \ddots | |
Brackets | ||
$(\overbrace{…+r_{t-1}}^{\require{cancel}\bcancel{R^{\rm past}_t}} + \overbrace{r_{t}+…}^{R^{\rm future}_t})$ | (\overbrace{…+r_{t-1}}^{\require{cancel}\bcancel{R^{\rm past}_t}} + \overbrace{r_{t}+…}^{R^{\rm future}_t}) | |
$\Biggl(\biggl(\Bigl(\bigl((a)\bigr)\Bigr)\biggr)\Biggr)$ | \Biggl(\biggl(\Bigl(\bigl((a)\bigr)\Bigr)\biggr)\Biggr) | |
$[a]$ | [a] | |
${a}$ | {a} | |
$\lvert f\rvert$ | \lvert f\rvert | |
$\langle f \rangle$ | \langle f \rangle | |
$\lfloor f \rfloor$ | \lfloor f \rfloor | |
$\lceil f \rceil$ | \lceil f \rceil | |
$\ulcorner f \urcorner$ | \ulcorner f \urcorner | |
Matrices | ||
$\begin{bmatrix}0&1 \\1&0 \end{bmatrix}$ | ||
Arrays | ||
$\begin{array}{|cc|} a&b\\c&d\end{array}$ | ||
$\frac { \begin{array}{|cc|} e&b\\f&d\end{array} } { {\begin{array}{|cc|} a&b\\c&d\end{array} } }$ |
- Collected by Archer Reilly
- Prevent MathJax from using the dollar sign as a delimiter,
- TEX Commands available in MathJax
- List of Greek letters and math symbols
- MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference
- Live equation editing MathJax doc
- Adding MathJax to a GitHub Pages Jekyll Blog
- readme2tex
- mimetex
- A big page alert: TEX Commands available in MathJax