RL Solutions


  • A deterministic policy: a mapping $\pi: S \to A$

    • For each state $s \in S$, it yields the action $a \in A$ that the agent will choose while in state $s$.
    • input: state
    • output: action
    • Example
      • $\pi(low) = recharge$
      • $\pi(high) = search$
  • A stochastic policy: a mapping $\pi: S \times A \to [0,1]$

    • For each state $s \in S$ and action $a \in A$, it yields the probability $\pi(a|s)$ that the agent chooses action $a$ while in state $s$.

    • input: state and action

    • output: probability that the agent takes action $A$ while in state $S$

    • $\pi(a|s) =\Bbb{P}(A_t =a | S_t = s) $

    • Example

      • low
        • $\pi(recharge | low) = 0.5$
        • $\pi(wait | low) = 0.4$
        • $\pi(search | low) = 0.1$
      • high
        • $\pi(search | high) = 0.6$
        • $\pi(wait | high) = 0.4$

Gridworld Example

In this gridworld example, once the agent selects an action,

  • it always moves in the chosen direction (contrasting general MDPs where the agent doesn’t always have complete control over what the next state will be),
  • the reward can be predicted with complete certainty (contrasting general MDPs where the reward is a random draw from a probability distribution).
  • the value of any state can be calculated as the sum of the immediate reward and the (discounted) value of the next state.

Grid Word

Grid Word2
Grid Word images from Udacity nd893

State-Value Functions

The state-value function for a policy is denoted $v_\pi$. For each state $s \in {S}$, it yields the expected return if the agent starts in state $s$ and then uses the policy to choose its actions for all time steps.

  • The value of state $s$ under policy $\pi$: $v_{\pi}(s) = \Bbb{E}_{\pi}[G_t|S_t = s]$

Bellman Equations

  • Bellman equations attest to the fact that value functions satisfy recursive relationships.

  • Read More at Chapter 3.5 and 3.6

  • It expresses the value of any state $s$ in terms of the expected immediate reward and the expected value of the next state

    • $V_{\pi}(s) = \Bbb{E}_{\pi}[ R_{t+1} + {\gamma}v_{\pi}(S_{t+1}) | S_t) = s] $
  • In the event that the agent’s policy $\pi$ is deterministic, the agent selects action $\pi(s)$ when in state $s$, and the Bellman Expectation Equation can be rewritten as the sum over two variables ($s'$ and $r$):

    • $v_{\pi}(s) = \sum_{s'\in{S^{+}}, r \in{R}} p(s', r|s, \pi{s})(r+ \gamma v_{\pi}(s')) $
    • In this case, we multiply the sum of the reward and discounted value of the next state $(r+ \gamma v_{\pi}(s')) $ by its corresponding probability $p(s', r|s, \pi{s})$ and sum over all possibilities to yield the expected value.
  • If the agent’s policy $\pi$ is stochastic, the agent selects action $a$ with probability when in state $s$, and the Bellman Expectation Equation can be rewritten as the sum over three variables

    • $v_{\pi}(s) = \sum_{s'\in{S^{+}}, r \in{R}, a \in{A_{(s)}}} \pi(a|s) p(s', r|s, a) (\gamma + \gamma v_{\pi}(s')) $
      -In this case, we multiply the sum of the reward and discounted value of the next state $(\gamma + \gamma v_{\pi}(s'))$ by its corresponding probability $\pi(a|s) p(s', r|s, a)$ and sum over all possibilities to yield the expected value.

Action-value Functions

  • The action-value function for a policy: $q_{\pi}$.
  • The value $q_{\pi}(s,a)$ is the value of taking action $a$ in state $s$ under a policy $\pi$
  • For each state $s \in S$ and action $a \in A$, it yields the expected return if the agent starts in state $s$, takes action $a$, and then follows the policy for all future time steps.
  • $q_{\pi}(s,a) = \Bbb{E}_{\pi}[G_t |S_t =s, A_t = a ]$


  • A policy $\pi$ is defined to be better than or equal to a policy $\pi$ if and only if $v_{\pi \prime} (s) \ge v_{\pi} (s)$ for all.
  • An optimal policy $\pi_\ast$ satisfies $\pi_\ast \ge \pi$ is guaranteed to exist but may not be unique.
  • How do you define better policy?
    • Positive reward, which gives agent more motivation

Optimal State-value Function

All optimal policies have the same state-value function $v_\ast$

Optimal Action-value Function

All optimal policies have the same action-value function $q_\ast$

Optimal Policies

  • Interaction ${\to}$ $q_\ast$ $\to$ $\pi_\ast$
  • Once the agent determines the optimal action-value function $q_\ast$, it can quickly obtain an optimal polity $\pi_ast$ by setting
  • $\pi(s) = argmax_{a \in A_{(s)}} q_\ast (s,a)$: Select the maximal actiona value $q$ at each step


Calculate State-value Function $v_{\pi}$

  • Assuming $\gamma = 1$, calculate $v_{\pi}(s_4)$ and $v_{\pi}(s_1)$

  • Solve the problem using Bellman Equations calculate-grid
    Image from Udacity nd893

  • Answer: $v_{\pi}(s_4) = 1 $ and $v_{\pi}(s_1) = 2$

About Deterministic Policy

True or False?:
For a deterministic policy $\pi$:
$v_{\pi}(s) = q_{\pi}(s,\pi(s)) $ holds for all $s \in S$.

Answer: True.

  • It also follows from how we have defined the action-value function.
  • The value of the state-action pair $s$, $\pi(s)$ is the expected return if the agent starts in state $s$, takes action $\pi(s)$, and henceforth follows the policy $\pi$.
  • In other words, it is the expected return if the agent starts in state $s$, and then follows the policy $\pi$, which is exactly equal to the value of state $s$.

Optimal Policies

Consider a MDP (in the below table), with a corresponding optimal action-value function. Which of the following describes a potential optimal policy that corresponds to the optimal action-value function?

a1 a2 a3
s1 1 3 4
s2 2 2 1
s3 3 1 1


    1. State $s1$: the agent will always selects action $a3$
    1. State $s2$: the agent is free to select either $a1$ or $a2$
    1. State $s3$: the agent must select $a1$